

For us, compliance is not just a legal obligation, but an integral part of our corporate culture.

We attach great importance to meeting all relevant legal requirements and industry standards. For us, compliance is not just a legal obligation, but an integral part of our corporate culture. We focus on integrity, ethics and transparency in order to earn and maintain the trust of our customers and business partners.


Compliance with the law and ethics

We strictly adhere to all relevant national and international laws and regulations. Our actions are based on ethical principles that promote integrity, honesty and transparency.


 Code of Conduct

We have implemented clear and comprehensive policies and procedures to ensure that all business activities are conducted in accordance with the highest compliance standards. These policies are regularly reviewed and adapted to changing legal requirements. We will be happy to send you the Reitz Code of Conduct as a pdf on request.


Risk Management

We rely on comprehensive risk management to identify, assess and minimize potential risks. This ensures a proactive approach to potential challenges.


 Supplier relationships

Our suppliers and business partners are carefully selected and regularly checked for compliance with our guidelines. We rely on trusting partnerships based on shared values.


Training & awareness-raising

Our employees are informed about the importance of legal compliance and undergo regular training. This ensures a deep understanding of legal requirements and ethical principles.


Transparency & openness

We recognize that transparency and openness are essential elements of a strong compliance culture. We are therefore happy to provide you with further insights into our compliance practices or answer specific questions.

Whistleblower system

We are committed to respecting the law and acting with integrity. For us, integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is looking – and doing what we say we will do. 
With our whistleblower portal, we offer all employees and outsiders the opportunity to report violations of legal provisions and internal company regulations – anonymously if they wish. If you wish, your information will be treated confidentially in accordance with the statutory provisions. Every report is examined in detail, suspected cases are investigated and any breaches are consistently followed up.

Please help us to continue to be a reliable business partner and a successful service provider for our customers in the future by informing us of legal violations or breaches of the rules in relation to the Reitz Group.

Report a violation

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